Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy B Day 2 my Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet Heart

30th MayMy Sweeeeeet heart Anand celebratd his B day.
I Luv u Anand
Many many happy returns of the day
I Miss U
I thank God 4 givin me a nice brother lik u
Sweet Kisses from Lux

Lakshmi Lakshmanan (angelsfirstrain)
A lonely gal in d city

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Real Story.........

I am the story teller here......

My office new place ,new things,new atmosphr,........

Wat ppl thnk abt ad agencies

diffrnt ppl diffrnt thngs

i hav dreamt of sm offic atmsp(wat i hav seen in old tamil movies :( )

am i crazy? ppl diffrs in real offc

I'll tell u ppl evrythng watevr i thght abt thm plz..tolerate

Lakshmi Lakshmanan (angelsfirstrain)

A lonely gal in d city